Superhero Writing Lessons

superhero lesson plans

Writing can be a pleasure, especially with fun, highly motivating writing assignments. How about superheroes for a writing theme? Check out our list of great superhero writing prompts: The most obvious writing assignment for a superhero theme is writing a comic book or, less ambitiously, a comic strip. have students… Continue reading

Math Superheroes

superhero math

Math and superheroes go together like Batman and Robin. If you’re using a superhero theme for your classroom, take advantage of that. Math class? Make it your ongoing theme. There’s a ready-made bulletin board set: Math Superheroes Bulletin Board Set has 8 lively posters with captions like, “Probability woman says there’s… Continue reading

Entrepreneurship Education Contests

entrepreneur education

  At this writing, there are two entrepreneurship contests going on. Use them to focus your entrepreneurship lesson plans, or recreate them just for your class or school. Interview an entrepreneur The first is the Hot Shot Entrepreneurs Video Contest for students.This contest clebrates Entrepreneurship week (February 18-25 in 2012),… Continue reading